This Month's Article
Helpful Resources for Parents

Make the Verse Something to Clap About!
Learning is FUN!
Make learning this month’s verse FUN with your preschooler! Practice the motions together, and once they’ve got them down, take the 👏 to the next level. Clap with pillows, spatulas, tub toys, drumsticks… the louder, the better!
We think the more the verse gets repeated, the “stickier” it becomes. And knowing God will always take care of you is something we hope sticks with them forever!

Go Exploring!
Take a nature walk.
Discover all the amazing things God takes care of!
• Take your preschooler on a nature walk with this fun Scavenger Hunt Card!
• Encourage your child to put a check mark next to the items on the Scavenger Hunt Card as they find them. You can even collect some of the items as you go!
• Talk about the amazing things God made and thank God for taking care of everything.