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One Another

Jamey Dickens
Jun 2021

In the early centuries of the church, Jesus followers were famous for how they loved one another. For the church to have that same...

And the Hits Just Keep on Coming

Clay Scroggins
Feb 2021

We’re all hoping this season of isolation and uncertainty will be over soon, but there are no guarantees. However, it’s possible to have...

Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets

Andy Stanley
Jan-Feb 2021

When we ask ourselves the right questions, answer honestly, then act appropriately, we make better decisions with fewer regrets. But what...

Life, Love & Legacy: A Conversation with Dr. Charles Stanley

Andy Stanley with Dr. Charles Stanley
Dec 2020

Talk about a conversation full of wisdom, laughter, and insight! In this two-part series, Andy Stanley interviews his dad, Dr. Charles...

Give Thanks

Andy Stanley
Nov 22, 2020

Being grateful for someone is an emotion we can all relate to. But gratitude is not just an attitude, it's something that needs to be...
