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The Day No One Believed

Andy Stanley
Apr 12, 2020

When Jesus died, hope died along with him. No one was planning to keep this new movement going, because, after all, it seemed Jesus...

You're Not Far

Andy Stanley
Feb-Apr 2020

For several decades after Jesus's death and resurrection, Peter told others about all of the firsthand experiences he had with Jesus....

One Yes at a Time

Justin Warner
Feb 16, 2020

It’s easy to want the outcomes that make our lives better, but it’s hard to make some of the decisions that will get us there. Whether...

You'll Want to Avoid This

Samer Massad
Feb 02, 2020

We all want to be the best versions of ourselves. To do that, we steer clear of things we know will bring us down. There’s one thing we...

Talking Points

Andy Stanley
Jan 2020

There are few things as divisive as politics. But the question for Jesus followers is this: Are you willing to evaluate your politics...
