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What Our World Needs Now

Andy Stanley, Samer Massad, Joel Thomas, Elaine Scott and April Farmer
Apr-Jun 2024

What the world needs isn't necessarily more people who claim to be spiritual. It needs Jesus followers who are all headed toward one...


Andy Stanley
Feb-Mar 2024

While the Greek word “ekklesia” is mistranslated as “church” in many Bibles, the word means “group” or “gathering.” Christianity has...

Check Your Heart

Joel Thomas
Jan-Feb 2024

Monitoring the physical condition of your heart is important. We count our steps, engage in tests, and take medications… But what about...

A Better Question

Andy Stanley
Jan 2024

At the beginning of the year, many of us ask, “What should I do about me?” And yet there’s another question that will potentially...

Deeper and Wider Than Ever

Andy Stanley
Dec 31, 2023

We believe following Jesus makes your life better and makes you better at life, and we want our local church to inspire people to follow...
