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Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets

Andy Stanley
Jan-Feb 2021

When we ask ourselves the right questions, answer honestly, then act appropriately, we make better decisions with fewer regrets. But what...

The Story 2020

Andy Stanley
Dec 24, 2020

A one-of-a-kind telling of the Christmas story that will capture the imagination of the entire family.

North Point Community Church Christmas Celebration

Andy Stanley
Dec 20, 2020

We all look for meaning in even the most random events—especially the negative events. The Christmas story is a reminder that sometimes...

Life, Love & Legacy: A Conversation with Dr. Charles Stanley

Andy Stanley with Dr. Charles Stanley
Dec 2020

Talk about a conversation full of wisdom, laughter, and insight! In this two-part series, Andy Stanley interviews his dad, Dr. Charles...

Giving Thanks

Andy Stanley
Nov 29, 2020

When the local church loves the community, things change. Basic needs get met, people take next steps in their faith, and those with...
