Fireball Sightings

3870 Pleasant Woods Drive

Test Title

Day One: Jesus Enters Jerusalem
April 2, 2023
You may already know about Jesus's entry into Jerusalem, where he was headed during the annual Jewish Passover celebration a week before he would be crucified. This week is sometimes called Passion Week or Holy Week.

Day Two: Jesus at the Temple
April 3, 2023
Today, we find Jesus returning to Jerusalem and making his way to the temple.

Day Three: Jesus with Religious Leaders
April 4, 2023
After spending Monday night just outside the city, Jesus returned to the temple on Tuesday. When he got there, some of the religious leaders had questions for him.

Day Four: Jesus Anointed with Perfume
April 5, 2023
That night, when Jesus went back to the town of Bethany for the evening, he tried to set his friends up for what was about to happen: He was getting ready to die.

Day Five: The Last Supper
April 6, 2023
During the Last Supper, Jesus did something a little peculiar that surprised everyone at the table. And then he asked them to do the same thing.

Day Six: The Crucifixion
April 7, 2023
In spite of its gruesome events, this Friday has come to be known as Good Friday—the day that represents when Jesus gave his life as a payment for the sins of the world.

Day Seven: The Guarded Tomb
April 8, 2023
On Saturday, Jesus's body laid in the tomb, and his disciples and followers observed the Sabbath in sorrow and mourning.

Day Eight: He Is Not Here!
April 9, 2023
"Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said."

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into the church